do smb.'s bidding

do smb.'s bidding
(do smb.'s bidding (или will))
слушаться кого-л. (беспрекословно), выполнять чью-л. волю, чьи-л. указания, предписания

Alicia (coldly): "Sir, you are the innkeeper, not my adviser. I shall be glad if you see that my bidding is done at once." (D. Cusack, ‘Red Sky at Morning’, act I) — Алишиа (холодно): "Сэр, вы хозяин этой гостиницы, а не мой советник. Я буду рада, если вы проследите, чтобы мое пожелание было немедленно выполнено."

Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь. - М.: «Русский язык-Медиа».. 2006.

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Смотреть что такое "do smb.'s bidding" в других словарях:

  • bidding — n. offering of bids 1) to open the bidding 2) competitive; spirited bidding request 3) to do smb. s bidding 4) at smb. s bidding * * * [ bɪdɪŋ] spirited bidding [ offering of bids ] to open the bidding [ request ] to do smb. s bidding at smb. s… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • bid — I n. bidding of an amount 1) to enter, file, make, put in, submit a bid 2) to call for, invite bids 3) to raise one s bid 4) to consider, entertain bids 5) to recall a bid 6) an opening; sealed bid 7) the highest bid 8) a bid for, on (she made a… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Scour — For the physical process, see . Scour Inc. was a search engine for multimedia on the Internet, and provided Scour Exchange, an early peer to peer file exchange service. Scour was founded by five students (Vince Busam, Michael Todd, Dan Rodriques …   Wikipedia

  • Vehicle registration plates of Singapore — Motor vehicle licence plates in Singapore are administered by the Land Transport Authority. Current scheme In general, all licence plates numbers in Singapore come with the vehicular registration number, suffixed by the official reference in the… …   Wikipedia

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